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Samsung ICR18650-28A 2800mAh 5.2A Battery

৳260.00 ৳260.00
  • sold: 13 items
  • Stock:-4 Items In Stock

BASIC Brand Samsung
Model name(s) ICR18650-28A
Manufacturer full 삼성 SDI (Samsung SDI)
Country of Manufacture South Korea
UL number MH21015
SIZE Weight 46.70 g
Diameter, max. 18.40 mm
Height, max. 65.00 mm
VOLTAGE Voltage, charge max. 4.30 V
Voltage, nominal 3.75 V
Voltage, discharge end 2.75 V
CAPACITY Capacity, max. 2800.00 mAh
CURRENT Constant charge current, max. 2.80 A
Charge constant standard 1.4 A
Discharge standard 560 mA
Max. continuous discharge current 5.20 A
Peak discharge theoretic, 4 sec 9.1 A
C-rate (charge, max.) 1 C
C-rate (discharge, max.) 1.86 C
POWER Watts (charge, max.) 10.5 W
Watts (discharge, max.) 19.5 W
ENERGY Energy, max. 10.50 Wh
Density volumetric theoretic 608 Wh/L
Density gravimetric theoretic 225.00 Wh/kg
E-rate (charge, max.) 1 E
E-rate (discharge, max.) 1.86 E
CHEMISTRY Chemical abbreviation LMO
Cathode LiMn2O4
Anode carbon
Remark Co–Ni doped, Safety Functional Layer
TIME Standard charge 3 hours
Rapid charge 2 hours
TEMPERATURE Storage (less than 1 month) -20 – 50 °C
Storage (less than 3 month) -20 – 45 °C
Storage (less than 1 year) -20 – 25 °C
Temp charge, min 0.00 °C
Temp charge, max 45.00 °C
Temp discharge, min -20.00 °C
Temp discharge, max 50.00 °C
ADDITIONAL Internal impedance 16 mΩ
Cycle life rated std. min. 300 cycles
Lithium weight per cell 0.84 g
WHITEPAPER Specification sheet Samsung 28A Specification Sheet
MSDS (Example only) Samsung 28A MSDS

  • Address: Saidabad Wasa Rd, Dhaka 1204
  • Contact Seller:+8801687-192610



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