Ardupilot APM 2.8 Flight Control Board Bend Pin with Protective Case
Item Name: APM 2.8 Flight Control Board
Arduino Compatible!
Includes 3-axis gyro, accelerometer, along with a high-performance barometer
Onboard 4 MegaByte Dataflash chip for automatic datalogging
Optional off-board GPS, uBlox LEA-6H module with Compass.
One of the first open source autopilot systems to use Invensense's 6 DoF Accelerometer/Gyro MPU-6000.
Barometric pressure sensor upgraded to MS5611-01BA03, from Measurement Specialties.
Atmel's ATMEGA2560 and ATMEGA32U-2 chips for processing and usb functions respectively.
Package Included:
1x APM 2.8 Flight Control
1x Cable

RC Product BD
Address: Saidabad Wasa Rd, Dhaka 1204
Contact Seller:+8801687-192610
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