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Soil hygrometer detection module soil moisture sensor

৳150.00 ৳150.00
  • sold: 18 items
  • Stock:11 Items In Stock

A description o
a baby which is a simple water sensor can be used to detect soil moisture when the soil moisture deficit module outputs a high level, and vice versa output low. Use this sensor produced an automatic plant waterer device, so that the plants in your garden without people to manage.
2 adjustable sensitivity blue digital potentiometer adjustment (Figure)
4 Operating voltage 3.3V-5V-
module dual output mode, the digital output is simple, more accurate analog output.
A fixed bolt hole for easy installation
7 small plates, PCB size: 3cm * 1.6cm
8 power indicator (red) and digital switching output indicator (green)
9 comparator LM393 chip, stable

Two small plate interface description (4-wire)
1 VCC external 3.3V-5V
2 GND external GND
3 DO small board digital output interface (0 and 1)
4 AO the small plates analog output interface

Three instructions for use

Soil moisture module is most sensitive to the ambient humidity is generally used to detect the moisture content of the soil.

2 module in the soil humidity less than a set threshold value when the DO port output high, when the when soil humidity exceeds the threshold value is set, the module D0 output low;

3 small plates digital outputs D0 can be directly connected with the microcontroller, microcontroller to detect high and low, and thus to detect soil moisture;

4 small plates digital output DO shop relay module can directly drive the buzzer module, and which can form a soil moisture alarm equipment;

5 small plates analog output AO and AD module connected through the AD converter, you can get more accurate values of soil moisture;

  • Address: Saidabad Wasa Rd, Dhaka 1204
  • Contact Seller:+8801687-192610



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