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Dual USB Current Voltage Charging Detector Tester Battery Voltmeter Ammeter

৳400.00 ৳400.00
  • sold: 16 items
  • Stock:9 Items In Stock

Can easily measure the operating current of the output voltage of the USB port and equipment 2. smallsize , no power , and other ancillary equipment, plug and play also detect USB charger output voltage and current are standard suitable for factories, Laboratory and users.
Technical indicators:
Scope of work: Current (0~2.5A) can detect mobile phone charger voltage compliance DC5V
Operating Range : U = 3 ~ 7.5V I = 0 ~ 2.5A
Resolution : Voltage 10mV current 1mA
Error : voltage <± 1% current <± 2%
Full scale drop : ( When measuring current ) 200mV
The tester uses a new generation of power four semi~ double loop integral converter IC , with a precision bandgap reference , range accuracy , high precision , stable and reliable performance , strong anti~interference ability , high temperature can be used for measuring USB powered or power consumption of the interface , mobile phone charger , U disk and other products.
1, USB powered devices can be used to measure air , voltage loads , USB terminal equipment working voltage and current
2, The current and voltage cycle , easy to use and practical.
3, Compact and easy to carry , no additional power supply

  • Address: Saidabad Wasa Rd, Dhaka 1204
  • Contact Seller:+8801687-192610



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