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TPA3116 100W Subwoofer Amplifier Board

৳990.00 ৳990.00
  • sold: 11 items
  • Stock:0 Items In Stock

Product descriptions:

PCB size: 75 x 60 mm
Power connector is a standard 5.5 mm power jack, and most of the same notebook power

Power Range: 8-25 V

The digital amplifier can be used as a subwoofer plate amplifier with a pre-match buffer on amp NE5532.

The United States are using the new high-performance TI's TPA3116D2 amplifier chip for the core, a single power supply of 8-25 V DC wide working voltage, maximum 50 W (left channel) + 50 W (right channel) two-channel output, efficiency as high as 90 %. You can also switch power supply and connect it to a laptop power supply, a battery or a vehicle's power supply and so on ...

Note: The knob on the bottom is on its OFF position when turned left.

The power supply of the board is important. The higher the voltage and the greater the current, the more output power, if you connect it only to a 12 V and 1 A power supply, it can work with a 3-4 inch speaker. If you have more than 19 V and 5 A it can work without problems with an 8-10 inch speaker.

To have enough audio input, the supply voltage / current is sufficient, there will be enough output power. The power supply voltage is higher than the relative power will be larger, different impedance of the speaker will have different output power. In the case of sufficient voltage and current, the greater the number of horns, the relative sound power is smaller.

Box contents:
TPA3116D2 100 W subwoofer digital power amplifier board, NE5532 OPAMP, 8-25 V


  • Address: Saidabad Wasa Rd, Dhaka 1204
  • Contact Seller:+8801687-192610



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