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Pixhawk PX4 Autopilot PIX 2.4.8 32 Bit Flight Controller

৳11,000.00 ৳11,000.00
  • sold: 9 items
  • Stock:5 Items In Stock

Advanced 32 bit CortexM4 ARM high performance processor, can run RTOS NuttX real time operating system;
- Integrated backup power supply and failure backup controller, the main controller can be safely switched to backup control;
- Provide redundant power input and fault transfer function;
- 14* PWM/ actuator output;
- Bus interface (UART, I2C, SPI, CAN);
- Provide automatic and manual mode;
- Color LED lamp;
- Multi tone buzzer interface;
- Micro SD to record flight data;

The board integrates with PX4FMU+PX4IO
Pixhawk is with new 32 bit chip and sensor technology
32 bit 2M flash memory STM32F427 Cortex M4, with hardware floating point processing unit
Main frequency: 256K, 168MHZ RAM
32 bit STM32F103 backup co processor
L3GD20 3 axis digital 16 bit gyroscope
LSM303D 3 axis 14 bit accelerometer /magnetometer
MPU6000 6 axis accelerometer / magnetometer
MS5611 high precision barometer
5* UART, 1*compatible high voltage, 2*hardware flow control
Spektrum DSM/DSM2/DSM-X satellite receiver compatible input
Futaba SBUS compatible input and output
PPM signal input
RSSI (PWM or voltage) input
3.3 and 6.6VADC input
External USB MICRO interface
Size: 50x81x16mm/2.0x3.2x0.6 in
Package size: 110x145x18mm/4.3x5.7x0.7 in
Weight: 48g
Package weight: 52g

Package included:
1 x 2.4.8 Pixhawk main control
1 x Safety switch
1 x Flight control shell
1 x Buzzer
1 x 6pin to 6pin line
1 x 4Pin to 4Pin line
1 x 3pin DuPont line

  • Address: Saidabad Wasa Rd, Dhaka 1204
  • Contact Seller:+8801687-192610



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