The Minisense 100 from Measurement Specialties is a low-cost cantilever-type vibration sensor loaded by a mass to offer high sensitivity at low frequencies. Useful for detecting vibration and 'tap' inputs from a user. A small AC and large voltage (up to +/-90V) is created when the film moves back an forth. A simple resistor should get the voltage down to ADC levels. Can also be used for impact sensing or a flexible switch.
Comes with machine pins that allows for horizontal mounting.
We've seen this used as great musical inputs.
- Flexible PVDF Piezo Polymer Film
- Wide dynamic range
- Laminated for higher voltage output
- Breadboard friendly leads

RC Product BD
Address: Saidabad Wasa Rd, Dhaka 1204
Contact Seller:+8801687-192610
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Noodles & Company is an American fast-casual restaurant that offers international and American noodle dishes and pasta in addition to soups and salads. Noodles & Company was founded in 1995 by Aaron Kennedy and is headquartered in Broomfield, Colorado. The company went public in 2013 and recorded a $457 million revenue in 2017.In late 2018, there were 460 Noodles & Company locations across 29 states and Washington, D.C.
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