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TDA2030 TDA2030A audio amplifier circuit large p new

৳10.00 ৳10.00
  • sold: 107 items
  • Stock:23 Items In Stock

■ Wide-range supply voltage, up to 36 V
■ Single or split power supply
■ Short-circuit protection to ground
■ Thermal shutdown

The TDA2030 is a monolithic integrated circuit in
the Pentawatt® package, intended for use as a
low frequency class-AB amplifier. Typically it
provides 14 W output power (d = 0.5%) at
14 V/4 Ω. At ±14 V or 28 V, the guaranteed output
power is 12 W on a 4 Ω load and 8 W on an 8 Ω
The TDA2030 provides high output current and
has very low harmonic and crossover distortion.
Furthermore, the device incorporates an original
(and patented) short-circuit protection system
comprising an arrangement for automatically
limiting the dissipated power so as to keep the
operating point of the output transistors within
their safe operating range. A conventional thermal
shutdown system is also included.

  • Address: Saidabad Wasa Rd, Dhaka 1204
  • Contact Seller:+8801687-192610



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