The Deluxe F3 Flight Controller with OSD was designed to give outstanding flight performance based on tried and tested sensors while providing unparalleled I/O capabilities in a small and extremely lightweight form-factor using a next-generation CPU.
Integrated On-Screen Display uses MWODS firmware and is compatible with flight controllers running Cleanflight, Betaflight & Baseflight. Space-saving design uses external USB-TTL adapter (included) for Flight controller and OSD setup.
The Deluxe F3 gives you all the features you need for the heart of your drone, whether you’re into FPV racing, acrobatic flying or aerial photography it’s perfect.
• No compromise I/O. You can use all the features all the time
• On-board high-capacity black box flight log recorder - optimize your tuning and see the results of your setup without guesswork
• Next-generation STM32 F3 processor with hardware floating point unit for efficient flight calculations and faster ARM-Cortex M4 core
• OSD function, support KVteam MWOSD firmware
• Supports OSD features such Basic Volts, Amps, timer & RSSI.
• Stackable design - perfect for integrating with power distribution boards. 16 PWM I/O lines for ESCs, Servos and legacy receivers. 8 available on standard pin headers. 8 via side mounted connectors
• Full support for OneShot ESCs for easy PID tuning and a sharper response
• Supports SBus, SumH, SumD, Spektrum1024/2048, XBus, PPM, PWM receivers. No external inverters required (built-in)
• Dedicated output for programmable LEDs - great for orientation, racing and night flying
• Dedicated I2C port for connection of OLED display
• Battery monitoring ports for voltage and current
• Sonar support for precision low-altitude hold
• Buzzer port for audible warnings and notifications
• Developer friendly debugging port (SWD) and boot mode selection, unbrickable bootloader
• Symmetrical design for a super tidy wiring
• Wire up using pin headers, JST-SH sockets or solder pads. Use either right-angled or straight pin-headers
• Barometer mounted on the bottom of the board for easy wind isolation
• Loop times up to ~2x as fast as previous-generation STM32F1 based boards
• Configuration of the flight controller via a cross-platform GUI (Windows/OSX/Linux)
• Supports a variety of drones such as aircraft, tricopters, quadcopters, hexacopters, octocopters and more
Dimensions: 36x36mm board with 30.5mm mounting holes
Weight: 5 grams
Processor: STM32F303 CPU with FPU 256kB flash
Size: 8MB (64Mbit) High-Capacity Flash (Acro and Deluxe)
Accelerometer/Gyro: MPU6050
Barometer: MS5611
Magnetometer (Compass sensor): HMC5883
Sockets: 2x 8pin JST-SH sockets (PPM, PWM, SERIAL RX, GPIO, ADC, 3V, 5V, GND), 2x 5pin JST-SH sockets (OSD SETUP, F3 SETUP),1x 4pin JST-SH socket (SWD), 8x 3pin though-holes for pin headers or ESC/Servo connections, 2x 4pin though-holes for pin headers (I2C, UART), 1x 4pin though-holes for pin headers (VIDEO PASSTHROUGH), 2x 2pin though-holes for pin headers (battery voltage, buzzer)
Deluxe F3 Flight Controller with Built-in OSD
PWM and ESC signal wiring harnesses
Though hole pin headers
USB-TTL Adapter

RC Product BD
Address: Saidabad Wasa Rd, Dhaka 1204
Contact Seller:+8801687-192610
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