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30A Mini VNH2SP30 Stepper Motor Driver Monster Moto Shield module

৳600.00 ৳600.00
  • sold: 9 items
  • Stock:0 Items In Stock

 Stepper Motor Driver This is essentially a ramped up version of Ardumoto motor driver shield. For this monster shield we've replaced the L298 H-bridge with a pair of VNH2SP30 full-bridge motor drivers. We've also beefed up the support circuitry so this board is capable of driving a pair of high-current motors! The VIN and motor out are pitched for our 5mm screw terminals (not included), making it easy to connect larger gauge wires.

Note:When using this board in extreme high-demand applications it may be necessary to improve thermal performance with a heat-sink or fan and to solder the wires directly to the board instead of using a screw terminal (in addition to the myriad other complications present in a high-current system) However, Stepper Motor Driver when using the board at currents up to 6A the chips will barely become noticeably warm.


Stepper Motor Driver

Voltage max: 16V
Maximum current rating: 30 A
Practical Continuous Current: 14 A
Current sensing available to analog pin
MOSFET on-resistance: 19 mΩ (per leg)
Maximum PWM frequency: 20 kHz
Thermal Shutdown
Undervoltage and Overvoltage shutdown


  • Address: Saidabad Wasa Rd, Dhaka 1204
  • Contact Seller:+8801687-192610



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